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BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 2021 Dec 28;21(1):364. doi: 10.1186/s12911-021-01723-3.
BACKGROUND: Rapid and irregular ventricular rates (RVR) are an important consequence of atrial fibrillation (AF). Raw accelerometry data in combination with
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New York, United States: Our group of research wizards has designed and outlined an exceptional report on the Ecg Monitor With Patch market that includes a 360-degree overview of the various essential marketing parameters over the prevised period of 2021-2028. The
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Bratisl Lek Listy. 2022;123(1):16-21. doi: 10.4149/BLL_2022_003.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is here to stay. It is not a future anymore, and there are many particular problems in cardiology that are already being solved via machine learn
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New York, United States : A comprehensive and detailed analysis of the world’s Smd Ecg Monitor market is provided in the comprehensive Smd Ecg Monitor market report introduced by Decisive Markets Insights, which highlights key growth contributors of the market f
Thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic, most corporate employees and children spent most of the year at home. Even senior citizens were also asked to stay put at home to avoid getting infections.
Having spent most of the year with a passive lifestyle, it is imperative for people to become fit
We use this ECG routinely during surgical procedures, in emergency situations and also with recovering patients. It’s probably one of the most accurate pieces of equipment that we own. Other units, like the blood pressure machine and the STA2 monitor, can give false readings. The ECG display
Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Dec 28: Vice-Chancellor of SKUAST-Jammu, Prof J P Sharma inaugurated Large Animal Operation Theatre in Division of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology (VSR), FVSc & AH, R S Pura, here today. Registrar SKUAST-Jammu, Dr S K Gupta; Director Research, Dr Pradeep
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Rod Brouhard is an emergency medical technician paramedic (EMT-P), journalist, educator, and advocate for emergency medical service providers and patients.
Jeffrey S. Lander, MD, is a board-certified cardiologist and the President and Governor of the American College of Cardiology, New J
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